Things to be aware of when using a hosiery machine


Whether in the process of using the hosiery machine or […]

Whether in the process of using the hosiery machine or in the process of using other types of mechanical equipment, there are certain safety hazards, which greatly endangers the personal safety of the employees. Therefore, employees who are responsible for the operation of the hosiery machine are required to pay attention to the following aspects in their operations:
Wear protective gear. Whether in the process of using the hosiery machine or in the process of using other types of mechanical equipment, one of the problems that the employee responsible for the operation needs to pay attention to is that the relevant safety protective equipment must be worn so that In the use of the equipment to better ensure their own safety, and the basic safety protection equipment is also employee-based personal safety.
Follow the rules and regulations for safe operation. In the process of using the hosiery machine, the employee responsible for the operation, in addition to the relevant protective equipment to be worn as mentioned above, must also pay attention to the process of its use, and must comply with the relevant regulations for safe operation. System, do not operate at your own discretion, so as not to cause serious safety accidents.